Delio's Second Example
The basic graph
Calculate and display the first few eigenvalues and eigenfunctions;
Phi1= quantumGraphFromTemplate('balalaika',Lvec=L,discretization='Chebyshev');
title(sprintf('$\\omega_{%i} = %0.3f$',k,d1(k)))
The graph with all vertices merged to make a clover
This should have larger (more negative) eigenvalues
Phi2= quantumGraphFromTemplate('clover',nLeaves=4,Lvec=L,discretization='Chebyshev');
title(sprintf('$\\omega_{%i} = %0.3f$',k,d2(k)))
A new clover with only the two longest edges of the previous graph
This should have even larger negative eigenvalues
Phi3= quantumGraphFromTemplate('clover',nLeaves=2,Lvec=L,discretization='Chebyshev');
title(sprintf('Eigenfunction %i, $\\omega = %0.3f$',k,d3(k)))
Comparing the eigenvalues
legend('Graph 1','Graph 2','Graph 3','Location','southwest')